Deprecated: Return type of Collection::Count() should either be compatible with Countable::count(): int, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in /home/merijn/portal/system/dev/core/collections/class.collection.php on line 35

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Database::$_connection is deprecated in /home/merijn/portal/system/dev/core/dao/class.database.php on line 40

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property ThemeSettings::$_settingGroups is deprecated in /home/merijn/portal/system/dev/core/class.themesettings.php on line 26

Deprecated: strlen(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/merijn/portal/system/dev/class/generated/abstract.astaticpage.php on line 254

Deprecated: strlen(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/merijn/portal/system/dev/core/metatags/class.metatag.php on line 10
Privacybeleid - Thuiskomen in Twente

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property StaticMenu::$_description is deprecated in /home/merijn/portal/system/dev/class/menus/class.staticmenu.php on line 39

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property StaticMenu::$_description is deprecated in /home/merijn/portal/system/dev/class/menus/class.staticmenu.php on line 39


Stichting CBOT (Thuiskomen in Twente) respecteert de privacy van bezoekers van de website, ontvangers van de nieuwsbrief en andere betrokkenen. Wij dragen er zorg voor dat de persoonlijke informatie die u ons verschaft vertrouwelijk wordt behandeld. Verwerking van de persoonsgegevens gebeurt op een wijze, die in overeenstemming is met de eisen die de Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens en AVG stelt. Wij verkopen gegevens nooit door aan derden.

Stichting CBOT werkt direct samen met Twente Marketing, zij werken samen met de volgende regio- en stadsmerken en websites. Te weten; MarketingOost, VisitOost, MarketingZwolle, IJsseldelta Marketing, Vechtdal Marketing, Salland Marketing, Visit Twente, Hanzesteden Marketing, Visit Weerribben-Wieden, regioZwolle en Congresregio’s Zwolle en Twente.

Doeleinden van de gegevensverwerking

Uw persoonsgegevens worden door ons verwerkt voor het aangaan en uitvoeren van overeenkomsten ter zake juridische diensten en het beheren van de daaruit voortvloeiende relaties, met inbegrip het uitvoeren van activiteiten gericht op de vergroting van het klantenbestand. Als u een contact- of aanmeldformulier op de website of beurs invult, of ons een e-mail stuurt, dan worden de gegevens die u ons toestuurt bewaard zolang als naar de aard van het formulier of de inhoud van uw e-mail nodig is voor de volledige beantwoording en afhandeling daarvan.

Klikgedrag en bezoekgegevens

Op de website worden algemene bezoekgegevens bijgehouden. In dit kader kan met name het IP-adres van uw computer, de eventuele gebruikersnaam, het tijdstip van opvraging en gegevens die de browser van een bezoeker meestuurt, worden geregistreerd en worden gebruikt voor statistische analyses van bezoek- en klikgedrag op de website. Tevens optimaliseren wij hiermee de werking van de website. Wij proberen deze gegevens zo veel mogelijk te anonimiseren. Deze gegevens worden niet aan derden verstrekt.

Google Analytics

Wij maken gebruik van Google Analytics om bij te houden hoe gebruikers de website gebruiken. De aldus verkregen informatie wordt, met inbegrip van het adres van uw computer (IP-adres), overgebracht naar en door Google opgeslagen op servers in de Verenigde Staten. Google gebruikt deze informatie om bij te houden hoe onze website gebruikt wordt, om rapporten over de website aan ons te kunnen verstrekken en om haar adverteerders informatie over de effectiviteit van hun campagnes te kunnen bieden. Google kan deze informatie aan derden verschaffen indien Google hiertoe wettelijk wordt verplicht, of voor zover deze derden de informatie namens Google verwerken. Wij hebben hier geen invloed op.

Facebook en Twitter (social media)

Op de website zijn knoppen opgenomen om pagina’s te kunnen promoten of delen op sociale netwerken zoals Facebook en Twitter. Deze knoppen worden gerealiseerd door code die wordt aangeleverd door Facebook en Twitter zelf. Deze code plaatst onder meer een cookie.

Leest u de privacyverklaring van Facebook en van Twitter (welke regelmatig kunnen wijzigen) om te zien wat zij met uw persoonsgegevens doen die zij met deze code verwerken. Dit geldt ook voor andere social media kanalen.


Wij bieden een nieuwsbrief waarmee wij geïnteresseerden willen informeren over leuke uitjes en tips voor een weekendje weg of vakantie, onze diensten en aanverwante zaken. Uw e-mailadres wordt alleen met uw expliciete toestemming toegevoegd aan de lijst van abonnees. Iedere nieuwsbrief bevat een link waarmee u zich kunt afmelden. Het abonneebestand van de nieuwsbrief wordt niet aan derden verstrekt en wordt niet gebruikt om mee te adverteren zonder uw toestemming.

Gebruik van cookies

Wij maken bij het aanbieden van elektronische diensten gebruik van cookies. Een cookie is een eenvoudig klein bestandje dat met pagina’s van deze website wordt meegestuurd en door uw browser op de harde schijf van uw computer wordt opgeslagen. Daarmee kunnen wij onder andere verschillende opvragingen van pagina’s van de website combineren en het gedrag van gebruikers analyseren. U kunt het gebruik van deze cookies weigeren, hoewel dit de functionaliteit en het gebruiksgemak van de website kan beperken. Inzage, correctie en recht van verzet

Indien u een relatie met onze organisatie heeft, heeft u na schriftelijk verzoek de mogelijkheid uw persoonlijke gegevens in te zien. Indien het door ons verstrekte overzicht onjuistheden bevat, kunt u ons schriftelijk verzoeken de gegevens te wijzigen of te laten verwijderen. Daarnaast kunt u ons schriftelijk op de hoogte stellen, indien u niet wilt worden benaderd met informatie over onze producten en diensten door dit te melden bij navolgend adres:

CBOT, Kleen Esch 10, 7645 BK Hoge Hexel,

Aanpassen privacy statement

Wij behouden ons het recht voor deze privacy statement aan te passen. Wijzigingen zullen op deze website worden gepubliceerd.

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Page::$_options is deprecated in /home/merijn/portal/system/dev/core/collections/ on line 40

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Page::$_options is deprecated in /home/merijn/portal/system/dev/core/collections/ on line 40
* Benchpoint: Q: SET character_set_results = 'utf8', character_set_client = 'utf8', character_set_connection = 'utf8', character_set_database = 'utf8', character_set_server = 'utf8' (0.0016059875488281 - Total: 0.0016059875488281
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00020098686218262 - Total: 0.0018069744110107
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT l.`tag` AS `_tag`, l.`name` AS `_name`, l.`dutch` AS `_dutch`, l.`enabled` AS `_enabled`, l.`order` AS `_order` FROM `languages` AS l WHERE `enabled` = 1 ORDER BY l.`order` ASC (5.6028366088867E-5 - Total: 0.0018630027770996
* Benchpoint: Done (8.2015991210938E-5 - Total: 0.0019450187683105
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT d.`hostname` AS `_hostname`, d.`lang` AS `_lang`, d.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, d.`faviconid` AS `_faviconid`, d.`locale` AS `_locale`, d.`UAcode` AS `_UAcode`, d.`UA2` AS `_UA2`, d.`maps_api_key` AS `_maps_api_key`, d.`title` AS `_title`, d.`enabled` AS `_enabled`, d.`default` AS `_default`, d.`priority` AS `_priority`, d.`startscripts` AS `_startscripts`, d.`endscripts` AS `_endscripts`, d.`cssfileid` AS `_cssfileid`, d.`cssstring` AS `_cssstring`, d.`robots_txt` AS `_robots_txt`, d.`deprecated` AS `_deprecated`, d.`ssl_enabled` AS `_ssl_enabled`, d.`ssl_cert` AS `_ssl_cert`, d.`modified` AS `_modified_str` FROM `domains` AS d WHERE `hostname` = "" LIMIT 1 (7.5817108154297E-5 - Total: 0.0020208358764648
* Benchpoint: Done (7.7962875366211E-5 - Total: 0.0020987987518311
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT s.`id` AS `_id`, s.`orgid` AS `_orgid`, s.`themepluginid` AS `_themepluginid`, s.`inverse_import_allowed` AS `_inverse_import_allowed`, s.`mollie_apikey` AS `_mollie_apikey`, s.`mailchimp_apikey` AS `_mailchimp_apikey`, s.`estimote_appid` AS `_estimote_appid`, s.`estimote_key` AS `_estimote_key`, s.`name` AS `_name`, s.`organisation` AS `_organisation`, s.`share_text` AS `_share_text`, s.`city` AS `_city`, s.`municipality` AS `_municipality`, s.`southwest` AS `_southwest`, s.`northeast` AS `_northeast`, s.`theme` AS `_theme`, s.`generic_facebook_access_token` AS `_generic_facebook_access_token`, s.`external_admin` AS `_external_admin`, s.`api_enabled` AS `_api_enabled`, s.`relevance_treshold` AS `_relevance_treshold`, s.`score_treshold` AS `_score_treshold`, s.`skip_incomplete` AS `_skip_incomplete`, s.`random_sorting` AS `_random_sorting`, s.`sort_own_first` AS `_sort_own_first`, s.`lead_managed` AS `_lead_managed`, s.`client_location_adapted` AS `_client_location_adapted`, s.`standalone` AS `_standalone`, s.`linktarget` AS `_linktarget`, s.`loc_group_desc_posiiton` AS `_loc_group_desc_posiiton`, s.`event_score_treshold` AS `_event_score_treshold`, s.`skip_incomplete_events` AS `_skip_incomplete_events`, s.`preferred_canonical` AS `_preferred_canonical`, s.`standalone_deals` AS `_standalone_deals`, s.`just_partner_deals` AS `_just_partner_deals`, s.`cookieconsenttoolid` AS `_cookieconsenttoolid`, s.`two_factor_authentication_period` AS `_two_factor_authentication_period`, s.`modified` AS `_modified_str`, s.`preferred_iriashost` AS `_preferred_iriashost` FROM `sites` AS s WHERE `id` = 78 LIMIT 1 (0.00014519691467285 - Total: 0.0022439956665039
* Benchpoint: Done (9.4890594482422E-5 - Total: 0.0023388862609863
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT s.`id` AS `_id`, s.`userid` AS `_userid`, s.`checkstring` AS `_checkstring`, s.`startdate` AS `_startdate_str`, s.`expiredate` AS `_expiredate_str`, s.`lastaccess` AS `_lastaccess_str`, s.`ip` AS `_ip`, s.`iplocked` AS `_iplocked`, s.`persistent` AS `_persistent`, s.`twofa_authenticated` AS `_twofa_authenticated`, s.`browser` AS `_browser`, s.`hits` AS `_hits`, s.`destroyed` AS `_destroyed`, s.`data` AS `_data` FROM `sessions` AS s WHERE `id` = 10368761 LIMIT 1 (0.00022101402282715 - Total: 0.0025599002838135
* Benchpoint: Done (0.0004580020904541 - Total: 0.0030179023742676
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`id` FROM `tree` AS t INNER JOIN `tree_nodenames` AS n ON (n.`nodeid` = t.`id` AND n.`lang` = "nl") WHERE t.`parentid` IS NULL AND (0=1 OR t.`siteid` = 78 OR t.`siteid` IS NULL) AND n.`name` = "privacybeleid" (0.00031208992004395 - Total: 0.0033299922943115
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00047683715820312 - Total: 0.0038068294525146
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`id` AS `_id`, t.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, t.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, t.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, t.`targetid` AS `_targetid`, t.`depth` AS `_depth`, t.`type` AS `_type`, t.`order` AS `_order`, t.`inmenu` AS `_inmenu`, t.`iconclass` AS `_iconclass`, t.`modified` AS `_modified_str`, t.`copyofid` AS `_copyofid` FROM `tree` AS t WHERE `id` = 27191 AND (t.`siteid` = 78 OR t.`siteid` IS NULL) LIMIT 1 (3.0040740966797E-5 - Total: 0.0038368701934814
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00026106834411621 - Total: 0.0040979385375977
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, t.`lang` AS `_lang`, t.`name` AS `_name`, t.`link` AS `_link`, t.`url` AS `_url`, t.`new_window` AS `_new_window` FROM `tree_content` AS t WHERE `nodeid` = 27191 AND `lang` = "nl" LIMIT 1 (5.6982040405273E-5 - Total: 0.0041549205780029
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00031399726867676 - Total: 0.0044689178466797
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT p.`id` AS `_id`, p.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, p.`image2id` AS `_image2id`, p.`logoid` AS `_logoid`, p.`pubdate` AS `_pubdate_str`, p.`pagetype` AS `_pagetype`, p.`weight` AS `_weight`, p.`template` AS `_template`, p.`inmenu` AS `_inmenu`, p.`subnav_visible` AS `_subnav_visible`, p.`submenustyle` AS `_submenustyle`, p.`alt_header` AS `_alt_header`, p.`expiredate` AS `_expiredate_str`, p.`modified` AS `_modified_str`, p.`modified_byid` AS `_modified_byid` FROM `pages` AS p WHERE `id` = 27191 LIMIT 1 (8.8930130004883E-5 - Total: 0.0045578479766846
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00027108192443848 - Total: 0.004828929901123
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT p.`staticpageid` AS `_staticpageid`, p.`formid` AS `_formid`, p.`lang` AS `_lang`, p.`title` AS `_title`, p.`subtitle` AS `_subtitle`, p.`pagetitle` AS `_pagetitle`, p.`description` AS `_description`, p.`content_html` AS `_content_html`, p.`content_src` AS `_content_src`, p.`meta_description` AS `_meta_description`, p.`keywords` AS `_keywords`, p.`fbtitle` AS `_fbtitle`, p.`fbdescription` AS `_fbdescription`, p.`fbimageid` AS `_fbimageid`, p.`video` AS `_video`, p.`video_title` AS `_video_title`, p.`contact_title` AS `_contact_title`, p.`contact_desc` AS `_contact_desc`, p.`contact_email` AS `_contact_email`, p.`contact_phone` AS `_contact_phone` FROM `page_content` AS p WHERE `staticpageid` = 27191 AND `lang` = "nl" LIMIT 1 (0.00019598007202148 - Total: 0.0050249099731445
* Benchpoint: Done (0.0030069351196289 - Total: 0.0080318450927734
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT f.`id` AS `_id`, f.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, f.`name` AS `_name`, f.`familystring` AS `_familystring`, f.`css_url` AS `_css_url`, f.`local` AS `_local` FROM `fonts` AS f WHERE `css_url` <> "" AND (`siteid` = 78 OR `siteid` IS NULL) AND ( `id` IN (SELECT `value` FROM `theme_values` WHERE `siteid` = 78 AND `type` = "FONT") OR `name` IN (NULL) ) (0.00015711784362793 - Total: 0.0081889629364014
* Benchpoint: Done (0.0053229331970215 - Total: 0.013511896133423
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT m.`id` AS `_id`, m.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, m.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, m.`home_only` AS `_home_only`, m.`lang` AS `_lang`, m.`name` AS `_name`, m.`property` AS `_property`, m.`content` AS `_content` FROM `metatags` AS m WHERE (m.`lang` = "nl" OR m.`lang` IS NULL) AND (m.`nodeid` = 27191 OR m.`nodeid` IS NULL) AND (m.`siteid` = 78 OR m.`nodeid` = 27191) AND NOT m.`home_only` (0.00015902519226074 - Total: 0.013670921325684
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00060701370239258 - Total: 0.014277935028076
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT i.`id` AS `_id`, i.`type` AS `_type`, i.`basename` AS `_basename`, i.`width` AS `_width`, i.`height` AS `_height`, i.`size` AS `_size`, i.`scaled_size` AS `_scaled_size`, i.`hash` AS `_hash`, i.`added` AS `_added_str`, i.`modified` AS `_modified_str`, i.`added_by` AS `_added_by`, i.`photographer` AS `_photographer`, i.`source` AS `_source`, i.`source_url` AS `_source_url`, i.`protected` AS `_protected`, i.`crop_side` AS `_crop_side`, i.`tmpdate` AS `_tmpdate_str`, i.`last_requested` AS `_last_requested_str`, i.`rgba` AS `_rgba` FROM `images` AS i INNER JOIN `page_gallery` AS g ON (g.`imageid` = i.`id` AND g.`pageid` = 27191) ORDER BY `order` ASC (6.6995620727539E-5 - Total: 0.014344930648804
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00039196014404297 - Total: 0.014736890792847
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`id` AS `_id`, t.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, t.`highlight` AS `_highlight`, t.`weight` AS `_weight`, t.`target_siteid` AS `_target_siteid`, t.`admin_group` AS `_admin_group`, t.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, t.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, t.`image2id` AS `_image2id`, t.`image3id` AS `_image3id`, t.`numcities` AS `_numcities`, t.`iconclass` AS `_iconclass`, t.`visible_in_list` AS `_visible_in_list`, t.`visible_as_node` AS `_visible_as_node` FROM `topics` AS t INNER JOIN `page_x_topics` AS pagext ON (pagext.`topicid` = t.`id` AND pagext.`pageid` = 27191) WHERE t.`siteid` in (78) (0.00010108947753906 - Total: 0.014837980270386
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00033402442932129 - Total: 0.015172004699707
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT `data` FROM `settings_data` WHERE `siteid` = 78 AND `name` = "sidebar" (0.0057709217071533 - Total: 0.02094292640686
* Benchpoint: Done (0.0014328956604004 - Total: 0.022375822067261
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT count(*) FROM `newsitems` AS `n`INNER JOIN `newsitem_content` AS c ON (n.`id` = c.`newsitemid` AND `lang` = "nl") WHERE c.`title` <> "" AND n.`pubdate` < "2024-07-01 07:21:21" AND (n.`archivedate` IS NULL OR n.`archivedate` > "2024-07-01 07:21:21") AND n.`siteid` in (78) (0.0001370906829834 - Total: 0.022512912750244
* Benchpoint: Done (0.010580062866211 - Total: 0.033092975616455
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT n.`id` AS `_id`, n.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, n.`locationid` AS `_locationid`, n.`categoryid` AS `_categoryid`, n.`source` AS `_source`, n.`origin` AS `_origin`, n.`originid` AS `_originid`, n.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, n.`authorid` AS `_authorid`, n.`pubdate` AS `_pubdate_str`, n.`archivedate` AS `_archivedate_str`, n.`modified` AS `_modified_str` FROM `newsitems` AS n INNER JOIN `newsitem_content` AS c ON (n.`id` = c.`newsitemid` AND `lang` = "nl") WHERE c.`title` <> "" AND n.`pubdate` < "2024-07-01 07:21:21" AND (n.`archivedate` IS NULL OR n.`archivedate` > "2024-07-01 07:21:21") AND n.`siteid` in (78) ORDER BY n.`pubdate` DESC LIMIT 0,3 (5.6028366088867E-5 - Total: 0.033149003982544
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00052690505981445 - Total: 0.033675909042358
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT count(*) FROM `banners` AS `b` WHERE b.`lang` = "nl" AND b.`siteid` IN (78) AND ( (b.`maxviews` = 0 OR b.`views` < b.`maxviews`) AND (b.`maxclicks` = 0 OR b.`clicks` < b.`maxviews`) AND COALESCE(b.`startdate`,"2024-07-01") <= "2024-07-01" AND COALESCE(b.`enddate`,"2024-07-01") >= "2024-07-01" ) AND b.`type` = 1 (0.00016903877258301 - Total: 0.033844947814941
* Benchpoint: Done (0.0023729801177979 - Total: 0.036217927932739
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT b.`id` AS `_id`, b.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, b.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, b.`lang` AS `_lang`, b.`type` AS `_type`, b.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, b.`startdate` AS `_startdate_str`, b.`enddate` AS `_enddate_str`, b.`maxviews` AS `_maxviews`, b.`views` AS `_views`, b.`clicks` AS `_clicks`, b.`maxclicks` AS `_maxclicks`, b.`weight` AS `_weight`, b.`url` AS `_url`, b.`newwindow` AS `_newwindow`, b.`title` AS `_title`, b.`description` AS `_description`, b.`button_text` AS `_button_text`, b.`script` AS `_script` FROM `banners` AS b WHERE b.`lang` = "nl" AND b.`siteid` IN (78) AND ( (b.`maxviews` = 0 OR b.`views` < b.`maxviews`) AND (b.`maxclicks` = 0 OR b.`clicks` < b.`maxviews`) AND COALESCE(b.`startdate`,"2024-07-01") <= "2024-07-01" AND COALESCE(b.`enddate`,"2024-07-01") >= "2024-07-01" ) AND b.`type` = 1 ORDER BY `weight`*rand() ASC LIMIT 0,1 (4.6968460083008E-5 - Total: 0.036264896392822
* Benchpoint: Done (0.0011770725250244 - Total: 0.037441968917847
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT m.`id` AS `_id`, m.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, m.`relevance` AS `_relevance`, m.`lang` AS `_lang`, m.`subscribeable` AS `_subscribeable`, m.`autotype` AS `_autotype`, m.`mailchimpid` AS `_mailchimpid`, m.`mcposturl` AS `_mcposturl`, m.`label` AS `_label`, m.`tagline` AS `_tagline`, m.`description` AS `_description`, m.`subscribed_text` AS `_subscribed_text`, m.`unsubscribed_text` AS `_unsubscribed_text` FROM `mailing_lists` AS m WHERE m.`lang` = "nl" AND m.`siteid` in (78) AND m.`subscribeable` ORDER BY m.`relevance` DESC,m.`id` ASC (0.00015592575073242 - Total: 0.037597894668579
* Benchpoint: Done (0.002202033996582 - Total: 0.039799928665161
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`id` AS `_id`, t.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, t.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, t.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, t.`targetid` AS `_targetid`, t.`depth` AS `_depth`, t.`type` AS `_type`, t.`order` AS `_order`, t.`inmenu` AS `_inmenu`, t.`iconclass` AS `_iconclass`, t.`modified` AS `_modified_str`, t.`copyofid` AS `_copyofid` FROM `tree` AS t WHERE `type` IN (35) AND (t.`siteid` = 78 OR t.`siteid` IS NULL) (0.0010249614715576 - Total: 0.040824890136719
* Benchpoint: Done (0.011265993118286 - Total: 0.052090883255005
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, t.`lang` AS `_lang`, t.`name` AS `_name`, t.`link` AS `_link`, t.`url` AS `_url`, t.`new_window` AS `_new_window` FROM `tree_content` AS t WHERE `nodeid` = 20373 AND `lang` = "nl" LIMIT 1 (5.1021575927734E-5 - Total: 0.052141904830933
* Benchpoint: Done (0.0011510848999023 - Total: 0.053292989730835
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT s.`name` AS `_name`, s.`label` AS `_label`, s.`form` AS `_form`, s.`class` AS `_class`, s.`roles` AS `_roles`, s.`universal` AS `_universal`, s.`data` AS `_data`, s.`modified` AS `_modified_str` FROM `settings` AS s WHERE `name` = "/" LIMIT 1 (0.00035381317138672 - Total: 0.053646802902222
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00012803077697754 - Total: 0.053774833679199
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT `data` FROM `settings_data` WHERE `siteid` = 78 AND `name` = "/" (4.1961669921875E-5 - Total: 0.053816795349121
* Benchpoint: Done (7.319450378418E-5 - Total: 0.053889989852905
* Benchpoint: Q: INSERT INTO `sessions` (`checkstring`,`startdate`,`iplocked`,`persistent`,`destroyed`) VALUES ("ZAJe0509T_E_3yrdF2dEox-nokbuKca4_dtNnhaX",NOW(),0,0,0) (8.702278137207E-5 - Total: 0.053977012634277
* Benchpoint: Done (0.0010619163513184 - Total: 0.055038928985596
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT s.`id` AS `_id`, s.`userid` AS `_userid`, s.`checkstring` AS `_checkstring`, s.`startdate` AS `_startdate_str`, s.`expiredate` AS `_expiredate_str`, s.`lastaccess` AS `_lastaccess_str`, s.`ip` AS `_ip`, s.`iplocked` AS `_iplocked`, s.`persistent` AS `_persistent`, s.`twofa_authenticated` AS `_twofa_authenticated`, s.`browser` AS `_browser`, s.`hits` AS `_hits`, s.`destroyed` AS `_destroyed`, s.`data` AS `_data` FROM `sessions` AS s WHERE `id` = 10368764 LIMIT 1 (1.6927719116211E-5 - Total: 0.055055856704712
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00026106834411621 - Total: 0.055316925048828
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT `data` FROM `settings_data` WHERE `siteid` = 78 AND `name` = "header" (0.00077986717224121 - Total: 0.056096792221069
* Benchpoint: Done (0.0032920837402344 - Total: 0.059388875961304
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`id` AS `_id`, t.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, t.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, t.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, t.`targetid` AS `_targetid`, t.`depth` AS `_depth`, t.`type` AS `_type`, t.`order` AS `_order`, t.`inmenu` AS `_inmenu`, t.`iconclass` AS `_iconclass`, t.`modified` AS `_modified_str`, t.`copyofid` AS `_copyofid` FROM `tree` AS t WHERE `type` IN (43) AND (t.`siteid` = 78 OR t.`siteid` IS NULL) (6.2942504882812E-5 - Total: 0.059451818466187
* Benchpoint: Done (0.011399030685425 - Total: 0.070850849151611
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT `data` FROM `settings_data` WHERE `siteid` = 78 AND `name` = "gtranslate" (5.1975250244141E-5 - Total: 0.070902824401855
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00031208992004395 - Total: 0.071214914321899
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT d.`hostname` AS `_hostname`, d.`lang` AS `_lang`, d.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, d.`faviconid` AS `_faviconid`, d.`locale` AS `_locale`, d.`UAcode` AS `_UAcode`, d.`UA2` AS `_UA2`, d.`maps_api_key` AS `_maps_api_key`, d.`title` AS `_title`, d.`enabled` AS `_enabled`, d.`default` AS `_default`, d.`priority` AS `_priority`, d.`startscripts` AS `_startscripts`, d.`endscripts` AS `_endscripts`, d.`cssfileid` AS `_cssfileid`, d.`cssstring` AS `_cssstring`, d.`robots_txt` AS `_robots_txt`, d.`deprecated` AS `_deprecated`, d.`ssl_enabled` AS `_ssl_enabled`, d.`ssl_cert` AS `_ssl_cert`, d.`modified` AS `_modified_str` FROM `domains` AS d WHERE `siteid` IN (78) AND (`default` = 1 OR `enabled` = 1) ORDER BY `default` DESC, `priority` ASC (3.1948089599609E-5 - Total: 0.071246862411499
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00035309791564941 - Total: 0.071599960327148
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, t.`lang` AS `_lang`, t.`name` AS `_name`, t.`link` AS `_link`, t.`url` AS `_url`, t.`new_window` AS `_new_window` FROM `tree_content` AS t WHERE `nodeid` = 27191 AND `lang` = "de" LIMIT 1 (8.9883804321289E-5 - Total: 0.07168984413147
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00028705596923828 - Total: 0.071976900100708
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT `data` FROM `settings_data` WHERE `siteid` = 78 AND `name` = "footer" (8.392333984375E-5 - Total: 0.072060823440552
* Benchpoint: Done (0.0083601474761963 - Total: 0.080420970916748
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, t.`lang` AS `_lang`, t.`name` AS `_name`, t.`link` AS `_link`, t.`url` AS `_url`, t.`new_window` AS `_new_window` FROM `tree_content` AS t WHERE `nodeid` = 24 AND `lang` = "nl" LIMIT 1 (0.00019001960754395 - Total: 0.080610990524292
* Benchpoint: Done (9.2029571533203E-5 - Total: 0.080703020095825
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`id` AS `_id`, t.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, t.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, t.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, t.`targetid` AS `_targetid`, t.`depth` AS `_depth`, t.`type` AS `_type`, t.`order` AS `_order`, t.`inmenu` AS `_inmenu`, t.`iconclass` AS `_iconclass`, t.`modified` AS `_modified_str`, t.`copyofid` AS `_copyofid` FROM `tree` AS t WHERE `type` IN (34) AND (t.`siteid` = 78 OR t.`siteid` IS NULL) (0.00066876411437988 - Total: 0.081371784210205
* Benchpoint: Done (0.011636018753052 - Total: 0.093007802963257
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT i.`id` AS `_id`, i.`type` AS `_type`, i.`basename` AS `_basename`, i.`width` AS `_width`, i.`height` AS `_height`, i.`size` AS `_size`, i.`scaled_size` AS `_scaled_size`, i.`hash` AS `_hash`, i.`added` AS `_added_str`, i.`modified` AS `_modified_str`, i.`added_by` AS `_added_by`, i.`photographer` AS `_photographer`, i.`source` AS `_source`, i.`source_url` AS `_source_url`, i.`protected` AS `_protected`, i.`crop_side` AS `_crop_side`, i.`tmpdate` AS `_tmpdate_str`, i.`last_requested` AS `_last_requested_str`, i.`rgba` AS `_rgba` FROM `images` AS i WHERE `id` = 76330 LIMIT 1 (6.6041946411133E-5 - Total: 0.093073844909668
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00032711029052734 - Total: 0.093400955200195
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT m.`id` AS `_id`, m.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, m.`depth` AS `_depth`, m.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, m.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, m.`lang` AS `_lang`, m.`typeid` AS `_typeid`, m.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, m.`eventid` AS `_eventid`, m.`blogid` AS `_blogid`, m.`routeid` AS `_routeid`, m.`locationid` AS `_locationid`, m.`dealid` AS `_dealid`, m.`menu` AS `_menu`, m.`order` AS `_order`, m.`url` AS `_url`, m.`link` AS `_link`, m.`desc` AS `_desc`, m.`class` AS `_class`, m.`highlight` AS `_highlight`, m.`nofollow` AS `_nofollow` FROM `menuitems` AS m WHERE 1=1 AND m.`lang` = "nl" AND m.`siteid` = 78 AND m.`menu` = "mainmenu" ORDER BY m.`order` ASC (7.8916549682617E-5 - Total: 0.093479871749878
* Benchpoint: Done (0.010791063308716 - Total: 0.10427093505859
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT m.`id` AS `_id`, m.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, m.`depth` AS `_depth`, m.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, m.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, m.`lang` AS `_lang`, m.`typeid` AS `_typeid`, m.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, m.`eventid` AS `_eventid`, m.`blogid` AS `_blogid`, m.`routeid` AS `_routeid`, m.`locationid` AS `_locationid`, m.`dealid` AS `_dealid`, m.`menu` AS `_menu`, m.`order` AS `_order`, m.`url` AS `_url`, m.`link` AS `_link`, m.`desc` AS `_desc`, m.`class` AS `_class`, m.`highlight` AS `_highlight`, m.`nofollow` AS `_nofollow` FROM `menuitems` AS m WHERE 1=1 AND m.`lang` = "nl" AND m.`siteid` = 78 AND m.`menu` = "specialsmenu" ORDER BY m.`order` ASC (0.00011205673217773 - Total: 0.10438299179077
* Benchpoint: Done (0.0012710094451904 - Total: 0.10565400123596
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT i.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, i.`lang` AS `_lang`, i.`alt` AS `_alt`, i.`caption` AS `_caption` FROM `image_content` AS i WHERE `imageid` = 76330 AND `lang` = "nl" LIMIT 1 (0.00017285346984863 - Total: 0.10582685470581
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00029206275939941 - Total: 0.10611891746521
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, t.`lang` AS `_lang`, t.`name` AS `_name`, t.`link` AS `_link`, t.`url` AS `_url`, t.`new_window` AS `_new_window` FROM `tree_content` AS t WHERE `nodeid` = 10 AND `lang` = "nl" LIMIT 1 (0.00010299682617188 - Total: 0.10622191429138
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00011491775512695 - Total: 0.10633683204651
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT m.`id` AS `_id`, m.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, m.`depth` AS `_depth`, m.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, m.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, m.`lang` AS `_lang`, m.`typeid` AS `_typeid`, m.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, m.`eventid` AS `_eventid`, m.`blogid` AS `_blogid`, m.`routeid` AS `_routeid`, m.`locationid` AS `_locationid`, m.`dealid` AS `_dealid`, m.`menu` AS `_menu`, m.`order` AS `_order`, m.`url` AS `_url`, m.`link` AS `_link`, m.`desc` AS `_desc`, m.`class` AS `_class`, m.`highlight` AS `_highlight`, m.`nofollow` AS `_nofollow` FROM `menuitems` AS m WHERE 1=1 AND m.`parentid` = 1423 ORDER BY m.`order` ASC (0.00011801719665527 - Total: 0.10645484924316
* Benchpoint: Done (0.0010271072387695 - Total: 0.10748195648193
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`id` AS `_id`, t.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, t.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, t.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, t.`targetid` AS `_targetid`, t.`depth` AS `_depth`, t.`type` AS `_type`, t.`order` AS `_order`, t.`inmenu` AS `_inmenu`, t.`iconclass` AS `_iconclass`, t.`modified` AS `_modified_str`, t.`copyofid` AS `_copyofid` FROM `tree` AS t WHERE `id` = 19431 AND (t.`siteid` = 78 OR t.`siteid` IS NULL) LIMIT 1 (3.0040740966797E-5 - Total: 0.1075119972229
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00031685829162598 - Total: 0.10782885551453
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, t.`lang` AS `_lang`, t.`name` AS `_name`, t.`link` AS `_link`, t.`url` AS `_url`, t.`new_window` AS `_new_window` FROM `tree_content` AS t WHERE `nodeid` = 19431 AND `lang` = "nl" LIMIT 1 (3.814697265625E-5 - Total: 0.10786700248718
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00026679039001465 - Total: 0.1081337928772
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT m.`id` AS `_id`, m.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, m.`depth` AS `_depth`, m.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, m.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, m.`lang` AS `_lang`, m.`typeid` AS `_typeid`, m.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, m.`eventid` AS `_eventid`, m.`blogid` AS `_blogid`, m.`routeid` AS `_routeid`, m.`locationid` AS `_locationid`, m.`dealid` AS `_dealid`, m.`menu` AS `_menu`, m.`order` AS `_order`, m.`url` AS `_url`, m.`link` AS `_link`, m.`desc` AS `_desc`, m.`class` AS `_class`, m.`highlight` AS `_highlight`, m.`nofollow` AS `_nofollow` FROM `menuitems` AS m WHERE 1=1 AND m.`parentid` = 1419 ORDER BY m.`order` ASC (4.4107437133789E-5 - Total: 0.10817790031433
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00032711029052734 - Total: 0.10850501060486
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`id` AS `_id`, t.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, t.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, t.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, t.`targetid` AS `_targetid`, t.`depth` AS `_depth`, t.`type` AS `_type`, t.`order` AS `_order`, t.`inmenu` AS `_inmenu`, t.`iconclass` AS `_iconclass`, t.`modified` AS `_modified_str`, t.`copyofid` AS `_copyofid` FROM `tree` AS t WHERE `id` = 19432 AND (t.`siteid` = 78 OR t.`siteid` IS NULL) LIMIT 1 (2.3841857910156E-5 - Total: 0.10852885246277
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00028300285339355 - Total: 0.10881185531616
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, t.`lang` AS `_lang`, t.`name` AS `_name`, t.`link` AS `_link`, t.`url` AS `_url`, t.`new_window` AS `_new_window` FROM `tree_content` AS t WHERE `nodeid` = 19432 AND `lang` = "nl" LIMIT 1 (3.814697265625E-5 - Total: 0.10885000228882
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00025296211242676 - Total: 0.10910296440125
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT m.`id` AS `_id`, m.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, m.`depth` AS `_depth`, m.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, m.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, m.`lang` AS `_lang`, m.`typeid` AS `_typeid`, m.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, m.`eventid` AS `_eventid`, m.`blogid` AS `_blogid`, m.`routeid` AS `_routeid`, m.`locationid` AS `_locationid`, m.`dealid` AS `_dealid`, m.`menu` AS `_menu`, m.`order` AS `_order`, m.`url` AS `_url`, m.`link` AS `_link`, m.`desc` AS `_desc`, m.`class` AS `_class`, m.`highlight` AS `_highlight`, m.`nofollow` AS `_nofollow` FROM `menuitems` AS m WHERE 1=1 AND m.`parentid` = 1420 ORDER BY m.`order` ASC (5.793571472168E-5 - Total: 0.10916090011597
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00037193298339844 - Total: 0.10953283309937
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`id` AS `_id`, t.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, t.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, t.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, t.`targetid` AS `_targetid`, t.`depth` AS `_depth`, t.`type` AS `_type`, t.`order` AS `_order`, t.`inmenu` AS `_inmenu`, t.`iconclass` AS `_iconclass`, t.`modified` AS `_modified_str`, t.`copyofid` AS `_copyofid` FROM `tree` AS t WHERE `id` = 22659 AND (t.`siteid` = 78 OR t.`siteid` IS NULL) LIMIT 1 (2.7179718017578E-5 - Total: 0.10956001281738
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00030779838562012 - Total: 0.109867811203
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, t.`lang` AS `_lang`, t.`name` AS `_name`, t.`link` AS `_link`, t.`url` AS `_url`, t.`new_window` AS `_new_window` FROM `tree_content` AS t WHERE `nodeid` = 22659 AND `lang` = "nl" LIMIT 1 (2.8133392333984E-5 - Total: 0.10989594459534
* Benchpoint: Done (0.0002439022064209 - Total: 0.11013984680176
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT m.`id` AS `_id`, m.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, m.`depth` AS `_depth`, m.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, m.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, m.`lang` AS `_lang`, m.`typeid` AS `_typeid`, m.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, m.`eventid` AS `_eventid`, m.`blogid` AS `_blogid`, m.`routeid` AS `_routeid`, m.`locationid` AS `_locationid`, m.`dealid` AS `_dealid`, m.`menu` AS `_menu`, m.`order` AS `_order`, m.`url` AS `_url`, m.`link` AS `_link`, m.`desc` AS `_desc`, m.`class` AS `_class`, m.`highlight` AS `_highlight`, m.`nofollow` AS `_nofollow` FROM `menuitems` AS m WHERE 1=1 AND m.`parentid` = 2053 ORDER BY m.`order` ASC (3.9100646972656E-5 - Total: 0.11017894744873
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00032687187194824 - Total: 0.11050581932068
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`id` AS `_id`, t.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, t.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, t.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, t.`targetid` AS `_targetid`, t.`depth` AS `_depth`, t.`type` AS `_type`, t.`order` AS `_order`, t.`inmenu` AS `_inmenu`, t.`iconclass` AS `_iconclass`, t.`modified` AS `_modified_str`, t.`copyofid` AS `_copyofid` FROM `tree` AS t WHERE `id` = 19434 AND (t.`siteid` = 78 OR t.`siteid` IS NULL) LIMIT 1 (3.4093856811523E-5 - Total: 0.11053991317749
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00026607513427734 - Total: 0.11080598831177
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, t.`lang` AS `_lang`, t.`name` AS `_name`, t.`link` AS `_link`, t.`url` AS `_url`, t.`new_window` AS `_new_window` FROM `tree_content` AS t WHERE `nodeid` = 19434 AND `lang` = "nl" LIMIT 1 (2.9802322387695E-5 - Total: 0.11083579063416
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00023508071899414 - Total: 0.11107087135315
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT m.`id` AS `_id`, m.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, m.`depth` AS `_depth`, m.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, m.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, m.`lang` AS `_lang`, m.`typeid` AS `_typeid`, m.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, m.`eventid` AS `_eventid`, m.`blogid` AS `_blogid`, m.`routeid` AS `_routeid`, m.`locationid` AS `_locationid`, m.`dealid` AS `_dealid`, m.`menu` AS `_menu`, m.`order` AS `_order`, m.`url` AS `_url`, m.`link` AS `_link`, m.`desc` AS `_desc`, m.`class` AS `_class`, m.`highlight` AS `_highlight`, m.`nofollow` AS `_nofollow` FROM `menuitems` AS m WHERE 1=1 AND m.`parentid` = 1623 ORDER BY m.`order` ASC (4.1961669921875E-5 - Total: 0.11111283302307
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00032711029052734 - Total: 0.1114399433136
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`id` AS `_id`, t.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, t.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, t.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, t.`targetid` AS `_targetid`, t.`depth` AS `_depth`, t.`type` AS `_type`, t.`order` AS `_order`, t.`inmenu` AS `_inmenu`, t.`iconclass` AS `_iconclass`, t.`modified` AS `_modified_str`, t.`copyofid` AS `_copyofid` FROM `tree` AS t WHERE `id` = 22481 AND (t.`siteid` = 78 OR t.`siteid` IS NULL) LIMIT 1 (3.2901763916016E-5 - Total: 0.11147284507751
* Benchpoint: Done (0.0002739429473877 - Total: 0.1117467880249
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, t.`lang` AS `_lang`, t.`name` AS `_name`, t.`link` AS `_link`, t.`url` AS `_url`, t.`new_window` AS `_new_window` FROM `tree_content` AS t WHERE `nodeid` = 22481 AND `lang` = "nl" LIMIT 1 (3.3140182495117E-5 - Total: 0.1117799282074
* Benchpoint: Done (0.0009009838104248 - Total: 0.11268091201782
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT m.`id` AS `_id`, m.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, m.`depth` AS `_depth`, m.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, m.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, m.`lang` AS `_lang`, m.`typeid` AS `_typeid`, m.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, m.`eventid` AS `_eventid`, m.`blogid` AS `_blogid`, m.`routeid` AS `_routeid`, m.`locationid` AS `_locationid`, m.`dealid` AS `_dealid`, m.`menu` AS `_menu`, m.`order` AS `_order`, m.`url` AS `_url`, m.`link` AS `_link`, m.`desc` AS `_desc`, m.`class` AS `_class`, m.`highlight` AS `_highlight`, m.`nofollow` AS `_nofollow` FROM `menuitems` AS m WHERE 1=1 AND m.`parentid` = 1422 ORDER BY m.`order` ASC (4.4107437133789E-5 - Total: 0.11272501945496
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00031399726867676 - Total: 0.11303901672363
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`id` AS `_id`, t.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, t.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, t.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, t.`targetid` AS `_targetid`, t.`depth` AS `_depth`, t.`type` AS `_type`, t.`order` AS `_order`, t.`inmenu` AS `_inmenu`, t.`iconclass` AS `_iconclass`, t.`modified` AS `_modified_str`, t.`copyofid` AS `_copyofid` FROM `tree` AS t WHERE `id` = 19940 AND (t.`siteid` = 78 OR t.`siteid` IS NULL) LIMIT 1 (3.4809112548828E-5 - Total: 0.11307382583618
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00025200843811035 - Total: 0.11332583427429
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, t.`lang` AS `_lang`, t.`name` AS `_name`, t.`link` AS `_link`, t.`url` AS `_url`, t.`new_window` AS `_new_window` FROM `tree_content` AS t WHERE `nodeid` = 19940 AND `lang` = "nl" LIMIT 1 (3.4093856811523E-5 - Total: 0.1133599281311
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00088596343994141 - Total: 0.11424589157104
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`id` AS `_id`, t.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, t.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, t.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, t.`targetid` AS `_targetid`, t.`depth` AS `_depth`, t.`type` AS `_type`, t.`order` AS `_order`, t.`inmenu` AS `_inmenu`, t.`iconclass` AS `_iconclass`, t.`modified` AS `_modified_str`, t.`copyofid` AS `_copyofid` FROM `tree` AS t WHERE `id` = 20366 AND (t.`siteid` = 78 OR t.`siteid` IS NULL) LIMIT 1 (4.1007995605469E-5 - Total: 0.11428689956665
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00026607513427734 - Total: 0.11455297470093
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, t.`lang` AS `_lang`, t.`name` AS `_name`, t.`link` AS `_link`, t.`url` AS `_url`, t.`new_window` AS `_new_window` FROM `tree_content` AS t WHERE `nodeid` = 20366 AND `lang` = "nl" LIMIT 1 (2.5033950805664E-5 - Total: 0.11457800865173
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00024080276489258 - Total: 0.11481881141663
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`id` AS `_id`, t.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, t.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, t.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, t.`targetid` AS `_targetid`, t.`depth` AS `_depth`, t.`type` AS `_type`, t.`order` AS `_order`, t.`inmenu` AS `_inmenu`, t.`iconclass` AS `_iconclass`, t.`modified` AS `_modified_str`, t.`copyofid` AS `_copyofid` FROM `tree` AS t WHERE `id` = 20371 AND (t.`siteid` = 78 OR t.`siteid` IS NULL) LIMIT 1 (4.0054321289062E-5 - Total: 0.11485886573792
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00024795532226562 - Total: 0.11510682106018
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, t.`lang` AS `_lang`, t.`name` AS `_name`, t.`link` AS `_link`, t.`url` AS `_url`, t.`new_window` AS `_new_window` FROM `tree_content` AS t WHERE `nodeid` = 20371 AND `lang` = "nl" LIMIT 1 (2.5033950805664E-5 - Total: 0.11513185501099
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00021600723266602 - Total: 0.11534786224365
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT m.`id` AS `_id`, m.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, m.`depth` AS `_depth`, m.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, m.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, m.`lang` AS `_lang`, m.`typeid` AS `_typeid`, m.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, m.`eventid` AS `_eventid`, m.`blogid` AS `_blogid`, m.`routeid` AS `_routeid`, m.`locationid` AS `_locationid`, m.`dealid` AS `_dealid`, m.`menu` AS `_menu`, m.`order` AS `_order`, m.`url` AS `_url`, m.`link` AS `_link`, m.`desc` AS `_desc`, m.`class` AS `_class`, m.`highlight` AS `_highlight`, m.`nofollow` AS `_nofollow` FROM `menuitems` AS m WHERE 1=1 AND m.`lang` = "nl" AND m.`siteid` = 78 AND m.`menu` = "footermenu" ORDER BY m.`order` ASC (0.0012600421905518 - Total: 0.1166079044342
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00055289268493652 - Total: 0.11716079711914
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`id` AS `_id`, t.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, t.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, t.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, t.`targetid` AS `_targetid`, t.`depth` AS `_depth`, t.`type` AS `_type`, t.`order` AS `_order`, t.`inmenu` AS `_inmenu`, t.`iconclass` AS `_iconclass`, t.`modified` AS `_modified_str`, t.`copyofid` AS `_copyofid` FROM `tree` AS t WHERE `id` = 19435 AND (t.`siteid` = 78 OR t.`siteid` IS NULL) LIMIT 1 (5.3167343139648E-5 - Total: 0.11721396446228
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00026893615722656 - Total: 0.11748290061951
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, t.`lang` AS `_lang`, t.`name` AS `_name`, t.`link` AS `_link`, t.`url` AS `_url`, t.`new_window` AS `_new_window` FROM `tree_content` AS t WHERE `nodeid` = 19435 AND `lang` = "nl" LIMIT 1 (6.3896179199219E-5 - Total: 0.11754679679871
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00025820732116699 - Total: 0.11780500411987
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`id` AS `_id`, t.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, t.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, t.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, t.`targetid` AS `_targetid`, t.`depth` AS `_depth`, t.`type` AS `_type`, t.`order` AS `_order`, t.`inmenu` AS `_inmenu`, t.`iconclass` AS `_iconclass`, t.`modified` AS `_modified_str`, t.`copyofid` AS `_copyofid` FROM `tree` AS t WHERE `id` = 27190 AND (t.`siteid` = 78 OR t.`siteid` IS NULL) LIMIT 1 (4.4822692871094E-5 - Total: 0.11784982681274
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00024700164794922 - Total: 0.11809682846069
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, t.`lang` AS `_lang`, t.`name` AS `_name`, t.`link` AS `_link`, t.`url` AS `_url`, t.`new_window` AS `_new_window` FROM `tree_content` AS t WHERE `nodeid` = 27190 AND `lang` = "nl" LIMIT 1 (2.598762512207E-5 - Total: 0.11812281608582
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00022315979003906 - Total: 0.11834597587585
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`id` AS `_id`, t.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, t.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, t.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, t.`targetid` AS `_targetid`, t.`depth` AS `_depth`, t.`type` AS `_type`, t.`order` AS `_order`, t.`inmenu` AS `_inmenu`, t.`iconclass` AS `_iconclass`, t.`modified` AS `_modified_str`, t.`copyofid` AS `_copyofid` FROM `tree` AS t WHERE `type` IN (45) AND (t.`siteid` = 78 OR t.`siteid` IS NULL) (7.7009201049805E-5 - Total: 0.1184229850769
* Benchpoint: Done (0.010871887207031 - Total: 0.12929487228394
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`id` AS `_id`, t.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, t.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, t.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, t.`targetid` AS `_targetid`, t.`depth` AS `_depth`, t.`type` AS `_type`, t.`order` AS `_order`, t.`inmenu` AS `_inmenu`, t.`iconclass` AS `_iconclass`, t.`modified` AS `_modified_str`, t.`copyofid` AS `_copyofid` FROM `tree` AS t WHERE `type` IN (46) AND (t.`siteid` = 78 OR t.`siteid` IS NULL) (5.0067901611328E-5 - Total: 0.12934494018555
* Benchpoint: Done (0.010957002639771 - Total: 0.14030194282532
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT t.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, t.`lang` AS `_lang`, t.`name` AS `_name`, t.`link` AS `_link`, t.`url` AS `_url`, t.`new_window` AS `_new_window` FROM `tree_content` AS t WHERE `nodeid` = 26 AND `lang` = "nl" LIMIT 1 (4.0054321289062E-5 - Total: 0.14034199714661
* Benchpoint: Done (0.0002448558807373 - Total: 0.14058685302734
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT i.`id` AS `_id`, i.`type` AS `_type`, i.`basename` AS `_basename`, i.`width` AS `_width`, i.`height` AS `_height`, i.`size` AS `_size`, i.`scaled_size` AS `_scaled_size`, i.`hash` AS `_hash`, i.`added` AS `_added_str`, i.`modified` AS `_modified_str`, i.`added_by` AS `_added_by`, i.`photographer` AS `_photographer`, i.`source` AS `_source`, i.`source_url` AS `_source_url`, i.`protected` AS `_protected`, i.`crop_side` AS `_crop_side`, i.`tmpdate` AS `_tmpdate_str`, i.`last_requested` AS `_last_requested_str`, i.`rgba` AS `_rgba` FROM `images` AS i WHERE `id` = 76399 LIMIT 1 (5.1021575927734E-5 - Total: 0.14063787460327
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00025701522827148 - Total: 0.14089488983154
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT m.`id` AS `_id`, m.`parentid` AS `_parentid`, m.`depth` AS `_depth`, m.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, m.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, m.`lang` AS `_lang`, m.`typeid` AS `_typeid`, m.`nodeid` AS `_nodeid`, m.`eventid` AS `_eventid`, m.`blogid` AS `_blogid`, m.`routeid` AS `_routeid`, m.`locationid` AS `_locationid`, m.`dealid` AS `_dealid`, m.`menu` AS `_menu`, m.`order` AS `_order`, m.`url` AS `_url`, m.`link` AS `_link`, m.`desc` AS `_desc`, m.`class` AS `_class`, m.`highlight` AS `_highlight`, m.`nofollow` AS `_nofollow` FROM `menuitems` AS m WHERE 1=1 AND m.`lang` = "nl" AND m.`siteid` = 78 AND m.`menu` = "footerlinksmenu" ORDER BY m.`order` ASC (4.9114227294922E-5 - Total: 0.14094400405884
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00046300888061523 - Total: 0.14140701293945
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT i.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, i.`lang` AS `_lang`, i.`alt` AS `_alt`, i.`caption` AS `_caption` FROM `image_content` AS i WHERE `imageid` = 76399 AND `lang` = "nl" LIMIT 1 (5.793571472168E-5 - Total: 0.14146494865417
* Benchpoint: Done (0.00025391578674316 - Total: 0.14171886444092
* Benchpoint: Q: SELECT s.`id` AS `_id`, s.`siteid` AS `_siteid`, s.`order` AS `_order`, s.`imageid` AS `_imageid`, s.`name` AS `_name`, s.`website` AS `_website` FROM `sponsors` AS s WHERE s.`siteid` in (78) ORDER BY s.`order` ASC (0.00042295455932617 - Total: 0.14214181900024
* Benchpoint: Done (0.0013091564178467 - Total: 0.14345097541809

Querycount: 73
 * SET character_set_results = 'utf8', character_set_client = 'utf8', character_set_connection = 'utf8', character_set_database = 'utf8', character_set_server = 'utf8'
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 * SELECT s.`id` AS `_id`, s.`userid` AS `_userid`, s.`checkstring` AS `_checkstring`, s.`startdate` AS `_startdate_str`, s.`expiredate` AS `_expiredate_str`, s.`lastaccess` AS `_lastaccess_str`, s.`ip` AS `_ip`, s.`iplocked` AS `_iplocked`, s.`persistent` AS `_persistent`, s.`twofa_authenticated` AS `_twofa_authenticated`, s.`browser` AS `_browser`, s.`hits` AS `_hits`, s.`destroyed` AS `_destroyed`, s.`data` AS `_data` FROM `sessions` AS s WHERE `id` = 10368761 LIMIT 1
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 * INSERT INTO `sessions` (`checkstring`,`startdate`,`iplocked`,`persistent`,`destroyed`) VALUES ("ZAJe0509T_E_3yrdF2dEox-nokbuKca4_dtNnhaX",NOW(),0,0,0)
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